Sunday, May 31, 2009

How to Shoot Weapons That Are On The Ground

Hey world, today I'm going to be explaining how to make weapons that are on the ground shoot!

Ok so what you are going to want to do first is be holding a weapon that is non-automatic.

What that means is that if you keep holding the fire button it does not keep firing (E.G. mauler, BR, sniper, etc.)

You must be holding two weapons for this glitch.

Now walk over to another weapon on the ground so it says "Press RB to swap"

Now hold the the non-automatic gun in your hands and press the B button, Right Trigger and then press and hold the Right Bumper

So Basically you are going to Melee, Shoot and then swap it for the weapon on the ground and because you punched it made the shoot lag so when you switch your weapon it appears to be firing on the ground.

Good Luck Gaming,

How to Shoot Weapons That Are On Your Back

Hey guys and gals, today I am going to be explaining how to make weapons that are on your back SHOOT!!Ok so what you are going to want to do first is be holding a weapon that is non-automatic.

What that means is that if you keep holding the fire button it does not keep firing (E.G. mauler, BR, sniper, etc.)

You must be holding two weapons for this glitch.

Now hold the the non-automatic gun in your hands and press the B button, Right Trigger, then Y really quickly. You will noticed that if you go back into theater it will shoot while it is on your back!

This may take a bit of practice to get down the timing but it looks pretty cool.

Good Luck Gaming,

How to Language Glitch (boost)

*Sigh* There comes a time in your Halo career when you need to know what the language glitch is.


I know many friends that have gotten EXP banned from boosting. Bungie will find you and will swing their Ban-Hammer upon you.

With that being said... You should gather up as many friends as it takes to make a game (E.G. for lone wolves you need at least 4 but should probably have 6)

Now every should get in a party and go to their dashboard, now go to My Xbox and scroll over to System Settings, everyone needs to change their language to something that no one plays (E.G. Hungarian) but it HAS to be the same language.

Now everyone needs to go back into Halo and go into the matchmaking lobby, select the playlist you want to boost in.

Now everyone needs to press the X button and scroll down to the last option and select it.

This allows you to only play people with the same language.

Now everyone start the search for a game at the same time and with a little luck you will get paired with your friends.

You can do this to rank up, get achievements, and various other things.


Good Luck Not Gaming on this one,

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Gravity Hammer Tips

In ways the Gravity Hammer (GH) is a very weak weapon. Only few people are dumb enough to get close when running around with the GH so use it to lower someones health then finish them off with something like a Battle Rifle (BR)

The Gravity Hammer has a lunge. Only attack when your cross hair turns red, otherwise you will just be knocking your opponent backwards with little to no dam

One of the GH's few good things is that it is amazing at destroying or redirecting vehicles, for example, an oncoming ghost or pretty much any vehicle has no chance if they are charging at you but wait until they are closes enough so you can pound them to Madagascar.

The GH's knockback effect can be very useful on maps like Guardian and Epitah. Even though you only do minimal damage, if you can knock someone over the low railing of the walkways you still get credit for the kill.

The Grav hammer has big splash damage, that is that the attack affects an area. rack up the big kills by running into a crowded area (eg. center of guardian, or the elevator rooms) and hammering your way to epic win.

Good Luck Gaming,

Friday, May 29, 2009

Sniper Tips

Have you been dying a lot while sniping? Wanna get more no scopes? Well keep on reading my friend because these tips will drastically help your sniping skills.

When No-Scoping, try not to no-scope upward, for this is much much harder, and no-scoping down is easier.

Quick -Scoping is great, just aim at their body while not in scope, then quickly zoom in, and make any last minute adjustments and you have yourself a head shot.

DON'T BE AFRAID TO SHOOT! Hesitation will only kill you! Being nervous is the #1 reason why people die more quickly.

When the opponent jumps up in the air, aim for the spot where they're going to land. Do NOT chase their body when they're in the air with your cross hair.

NEVER stand still while sniping. Also, don't be afraid to make 2 body shots, nothing is wrong with that and it still gets you the kill.

Remember that the reload time is about 3 seconds so keep that in mind if you think you are in a tough situation and you don't know whether to reload or not.

Avoid staying scoped for large amounts of time as you can easily be sneaked up on while doing this. Get out of zoom and check your radar once in a while.

Try lowering your look sensitivity to pretty low so you can be really steady with your shots.

Lastly, remember to change sniping spots every once in a while because people will soon find out your secret location.

Good Luck Gaming,

How to Hold a Turret Like a Chainsaw

Hey world, today I am going to be telling you how to hold a detached turret like a chainsaw.

First what you want to do is pick up a dual wieldable weapon (E.G. pistol, SMG, spiker etc.)

Now get on a turret, detach it, then drop it to the ground close to or on top of another duel wieldable weapon.

Ok now with your dual wieldable weapon out, press both Right Bumper and Left Bumper together, but press Left Bumper slightly before Right Bumper.

Make sure you are over the turret and it tells you what button to press to pick up the turret.

CONGRATS! You should be holding the machine gun turret like a chain saw!

P.S. You have to be host

Good Luck Gaming,

Thursday, May 28, 2009

How to Fuse (or Merge) Two Helmets Together

Hey guys and gals, today I am going to be showing you how to merge (or fuse) two helmets so it looks like one. This is a really neat glitch because you can take two awesome helmets and make one super uber amazing helmet.

You can then start a rumor how it's the new recon and make people recommend it 500 times to receive it. lol =)

Ok so what you want to do first is to spawn a machine gun turret.

Now hover over so that your cross hair turns green. Now press the X button and you will see a menu pop up.

Change the settings so that it DOES NOT place at start and the respawn time is 30 seconds (or longer if you want)

It helps to but a spawn node under the turret to know where exactly you are placing it.

Start a new round and go back to the place where your turret is going to spawn.

Now place another turret in the exact place where the previous one will soon spawn.

Wait for the previous one to spawn and you will notice they will be merged together.

Now have someone get on one turret and another person get on the second turret.

The two people will be fused together and just slightly move them so that their helmets look absolutely awesome.

Take a screenshot and you have your new armor! start spamming your friends! (not recommended)

It help for both people to only have different helmets on (that means they should have the same body armor for a more flush look)

Good Luck Gaming,

How to Fast Forward Without Touching Your Controller

Have you ever done something absolutely AMAZING at the end of a game but you don't want to waste your time holding down the right trigger for 10 minutes in theater mode?

Well I'll be showing a little glitch that makes the film fast forward by itself.

So what you want to do is start up the film and fast forward manually for a second or two.

Now WHILE it is fast forwarding, press the start button, remember to KEEP HOLDING IN THE TRIGGER.

Now press the B button and immediately let go of the trigger.

It should be fast forwarding without you touching a thing!

This is especially useful during those long Big Team Battles or Objective Games.

Good Luck Gaming,

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

How to Board and Drive the AA Wraith

The AA Wraith is short for Anti Aircraft Wraith, if you don't know what that is, it is a Wraith that shoots what looks like fuel rod shots instead of the regular wraith shot.

This Wraith can be found on the Campaign Mission: The Covenant

So what you first want to do is kill ever enemy by the Wraith (optional but really helps)

Now get on top of wraith and hit the hatch that holds the driver 4 times, it should fall off.

Now melee the Brute's helmet once and it should fall right off.

So then you want to crouch on top of the driver and move to where it doesn't say "Hold RB to Board".

Hold RB, Crouch and aim at the brute's head

Shoot the brute in the head while holding RB and Crouch. You should be driving the AA Wraith Now. CONGRATS!

Good Luck Gaming,

How to Make a Clone

Have you ever wondered how people made super army's in forge? Well they clone themselves in game. To do this you are going to basically have something hit you, then break off a turret and you will just stand there (that's your cloned body).

So first things first, you want to go to the forge lobby and press X. This will bring up a settings menu. Go down to General Settings, from there choose Base Player Traits, then Shields and Health and finally change your Damage Resistance to 10%. This part is key for the whole glitch to work.

Now start the game and make a square out of shield doors, then you are going to place a soccer ball in the middle of the square and it will bounce back and forth from door to door really quickly. This is what it is going to look like...Now spawn a turret right next to it.

Ok so what you are going to do is walk into the ball that is going back and forth rapidly, you will notice pretty much all of your shields will go down.

Now quickly get on the turret and detach it.

You will die, but your body is still standing and it looks like it is holding an imaginary turret. CONGRATS!

The clones can not be saved to the map (so pretty much if you save the map and go back to it, the clones won't be there) but you can do this in Custom Games if everything is set up correctly.

They may disappear after a while

You can do this over Xbox Live but some people may not be able to see it

Good Luck Gaming,

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

How to Super Jump on Last Resort

Today I'm going to show you how to perform a Super Jump on the map Last Resort (the one with the fan thing in the middle). For this little glitch/trick you will need two people.

So first off you want to go to this spot on Last Resort...
It is by the big fan in the middle and is on the side closest to the beach.

There is a tower that holds up a platform and there is a little gap in between the tower and the wall next to it.

First you want to change your settings so when you press in the left analog stick once, you crouch and go back up and you do NOT stay crouched.

To do this you want to press start, Game Controls, then make sure it says next to crouch settings it DOES NOT say Toggle Crouch.

So what you are going to do is go right up in front of the little gap and tea bag really really fast, as fast as you can.

While you are doing this, someone should be behind you pushing you into the little gap. This may take a minute without practice

Now once you are in the gap it is going to look like this...
Ok, now walk forward and immediately JUMP! make sure you do precisely that or the glitch won't work. If you did it correctly you will be flying in the air.

I am pretty sure you CAN do this in matchmaking but there really is not any point.

Good Luck Gaming,

Sniper Spot on Guardian

Hey there Halo fans, today I'm going to be showing you an amazing sniper spot on the map Guardian.

What you are going to want to do first is grab the sniper, over shield and plasma grenades ( they are all in the corner where the over shield, needler and sniper spawns)

Now go to the ramp that goes upward where the plasmas are and you will find a plasma battery. This is where you should be...
Jump on the Plasma Battery and throw your plasma grenade at it.

Time it correctly so that you are just starting to jump when they explode.

The force will cause you to be "Super Jumped" to this amazing sniper spot. CONGRATS! This is what it will look like to other players even if they look up....

Make sure you get the over shield because if you don't, you will die from the explosion

This is what it looks like on your screen...

No one will notice you because you are so high up, and it is great for getting some head shots.

Good Luck Gaming,

Monday, May 25, 2009

Forge Settings Trick

This isn't much of a trick but many people don't know that you can change the settings in Forge.

For example, you can change the settings so that only the Party Leader will be able to go into Forge (monitor) Mode. This is especially helpful if you want to work on your map while everyone else just screws around with what you make.

Just like in Custom Games, you can change the settings in Forge to what weapons you spawn with.

You can also change the forced color, respawn rate, amount of damage you take and a lot more settings you can fool around with.

To access this Settings Menu, you want to press the X button while you are in the Forge Lobby (Just like you would in a Custom Games Lobby).

Once you press X a menu will pop up and there are various different options you can fool around with.

Good Luck Gaming,

Screen Shot Tip: All Black

In this tutorial I will show you how to make your whole body go pitch black like this...
This little glitch/trick is in the map Guardian in the corner of the map where sniper and needler spawns. If you don't know where it is, there is a map of Guardian below and I labeled where the spot is...Now once you get into the general area you want to hop onto the ledge where the arrow is pointing to. Crouch and walk very very slowly over this line on the ledge...

You may have to slowly crouch walk over the line for a while until you position yourself right so that all of your body goes black.

You will be able to see it on your screen because your weapon and hands turn all black, now once you are in the correct position, take out your sniper or rockets and make some cool poses!

The only thing that will be glowing from your body will be the lights on your armor, so before you start the game, make your character's main color whatever color you want the lights to be.

Try maybe throwing out regenerators, flares, and power drains for more effect.

Now go into Theater and take some Bungie Favorite screenshots!

Good Luck Gaming,

Sunday, May 24, 2009

How to Make a Good Map in Forge

Ever wanted to make a map that everyone wanted to play? Well if so then keep reading, if not, then, um, your weird.

So, first think of an idea, make sure it is fun, maybe it's a remake of a game you played in Gym class or outside, maybe it's a remake of another map from an older Halo game or maybe it is just funny and clever. But make sure you have a good idea that sounds like people would be attracted to.

Practice around in forge, know the ins and outs of how to control things.

Start building your map, you can have a friend help you but make sure they know what you want and know how to forge correctly.

Make sure everything thing is lined up, most people judge a map on its looks, so make sure every wall is precisely lined up with the last, trust me, it makes all the difference.

If your game needs a specific game-type to go with it, make sure the settings are all correct.

Don't be afraid to test it out yourself and make sure everything is perfect before you want anyone else to see it.

Remember, think outside the box. Do something that hasn't been done before, or if it has, make it better and more fun, and make sure you are putting out quality work.

Good Luck Gaming,

How to Make "Wings" in Forge

In this tutorial I will show you how to make yourself have "Wings" in Halo such as the picture below...

Ok now what you want to do is spawn a bridge and have it floating in the air on a 45 degree angle. Make sure that it isn't too flat (it will ruin the effect) or it isn't to steep (the weapons will fall off).

Now that you are holding it at a 45 degree angle, press start, save it as a new map, and load the map again. When you come back to that spot, the bridge will be floating in the position you were holding it.

It is now time to arrange the weapons however you want it. You can make yourself have wings, spikes, it's really up to your imagination.

Remember to leave a space for your body, always make it closer than you think because if you make the wings too far away from the body, it loses the effect.

Now that you have your wings the way you want them, SAVE CHANGES! This is crucial, now that you have saved the changes, delete the bridge that is holding the weapons. They should be floating in mid air.

If you want, you can lower you weapon (see other tutorial down below), personally, with a lowered weapon it makes the picture look more professional.

Now stand right in front of your creation, make sure you are centered with it and make a good pose.

Now go into Theater and take the screen shot!

If you want, you can add effects like Juicy, Gloomy, ect. or put our a power drain or regenerator to make it look cooler. It is really up to you.

Good Luck Gaming,

Saturday, May 23, 2009

How to Merge Or Sink Objects Into the Ground

Have you ever seen something like this?...Here's a better question, have you ever wanted to CREATE something like this? Yes? Well good because you are in the right place.

First spawn the object you would like to merge (or sink) into the ground. This can be anything that is pretty large such as a box, wall, dumpster, etc.

Now put boxes all around the object you want to sink, for example, if you wanted to sink a double box it would be a double box surrounded by other boxes. These boxes should be very snug against the object.

Spawn a door and turn it on it's side, now place it on top of the object you want to sink, you will notice that the door goes into the box a little.

Now grab the object under the door and it will sink down a little, repeat this process until you are satisfied with the height of the object in the ground. Finally delete all of the boxes surrounding the object and your done!

Once you have gotten good at sinking objects you can use walls instead of boxes to save space.

If you want to sink an object really far into the ground, put the door upside down, you will notice that it will sink a lot farther into the object thus making the object sink faster

Good Luck Gaming,

A Power Up Trick (Can Be Used in Matchmaking)

Hey guys and gals, today I am going to be showing you how to pick up a power-up as an equipment and not have it activated so when you die, it reappears. What this means is that instead of the the power-up activated, it swaps out for an equipment and you will carry it until you die.

Ok, so what you first want to do is pick up an equipment, this can be any equipment (E.G. Bubble Shield, Power Drain, etc.).

Now find a power up such as Active Camo, Overshield, or Custom PowerUp.

Hold the right bumper and very slowly walk into the power up.

Instead of the power up activating, it will be swapped out for your equipment. So when you die, the power up reappears where every you died.

Why would you want to do this other than to wow your friends? Well it is a great strategy for objective games such as capture the flag, the person with the flag could have initiated the glitch so that maybe if they died then one of his or her team mates could pick up the flag AND overshields and score it.

The best part of this is that you can do it in Matchmaking!

Good Luck Gaming,

Friday, May 22, 2009

How to Make A Trampoline In Halo

The title says it all, and yes, it is just as much fun as it sounds. This trick is on the map Last Resort (the one from Halo 2 with the big spinning thing).

So what you want to do first is spawn a Teleporter (two way or sender, it doesn't matter) and put it in this position pictured below. It is right in the gap between the platform that is able to be lowered and the platform that you take to get there (this is all by the spinning thing in the middle).
So once you are holding the Teleporter in the place that you want it, press the start button and save it as a new map. Then restart the game on the new map you just saved. When you go back to that spot the Teleporter will be floating in mid air.

Ok so now the fun begins, press the button that lowers the platform and it should appear to be vibrating rapidly, now jump on it and let the fun begin!

It is alot like a real trampoline and is fun to do when your bored and to wow friends, have fun with it!

Good Luck Gaming,

How to Hold the Sword with TWO Hands!

Hey guys and gals, you may or may not have seen this glitch but regardless it is pretty beast. It looks like you are holding an energy sword like a gun (raised to the level of your eye).

Ok, now to do this, you first need to have an Energy Sword as your secondary weapon, and one Dual Wielding weapon as your main weapon (E.G. SMG, Spiker, Pistol, etc). Now stand over another Dual Wielding weapon on the ground so that it says press "LB" to "Dual Wield".

Then, press and release the "Y" button and immediately after press and hold "LB" until you see the Dual Wielding weapon drop to the ground. Now the Energy Sword will now be your main weapon and it looks like you are holding it like a gun, CONGRATS!

You will NOT notice any differences on your screen, but other people in the game will see you holding the Energy Sword with two hands. When you press "RT" to lunge at someone it will appear as if you are making a stabbing motion or not even moving your Energy Sword at all.

Some people may still see you swipe normally, but still see you holding the Energy Sword with two hands.

This is great for making screenshots and video.

Good Luck Gaming,

Thursday, May 21, 2009

How to Lower and Have NO Weapon

Have you ever seen a Machinima film? Well if not, alot of the characters in them have weapons that are lowered (down by their waist) this allows a player to see their full body and chest and makes for great films and pictures.

Now to lower your weapon you have to set your network to local (that means only people on your console can play), to do this, you need to be in the forge or custom games lobby and go up to Network (right under switch lobby) then click the option "local". Now start up the game.

Ok, now once you are in the game you want to do this : Press and hold the right bumper, press and hold the left bumper, press and hold in the left analog stick, press and hold down on the directional pad and then tap A. For the most consistent results, you should hold everything in for a few seconds and then tap the A button. Below is a visual picture of what buttons to hold in...

So now you should not see your weapon on your screen, why? because your weapon is lowered to your waist! CONGRATS!


But how do you hold NO weapon you ask? simple, just download this game variant right here:

This game varaint is modded and makes you start out with a Flame Thrower, so if you drop your Flame Thrower then you will have NO WEAPON!

To download the game variant above you must have a profile (which you should already have) but if you don't, sign up is quick and free! It downloads right to your console so when you turn on your console it will start downloading.

Good Luck Gaming,

How To Merge Objects Together in Forge

So you've been recently been playing Custom Games and you see two objects that are interlocked or merged together. Well I'm here to teach you how to do this awesome glitch in Forge.

Ok, so first you should take the object you want to merge (E.G a box, double box, wall etc.) and
change its settings so that it will spawn after a certain amount of time.

To do this, you need to be in monitor mode and have your cross hair over the object, now press the X button and the Item Properties Menu should appear.
Now you want to change "Place At Start" to say NO. Then go up one and change the Respawn Time to at least 30 seconds ( but you can do more if you feel more comfortable).

If you want you can place something like a street cone or a respawn node to help you remember where your object is going to appear.

Now start a new round and go to the place that your object is going to appear, spawn another object where you want them to merge together and wait for the first object to spawn.

By using this method you can create thing that look like this:
But you are only limited by your imagination so have fun with it.

Good Luck Gaming,

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

How to Equipment Jump

Hello World, and today I will be telling you how to equipment jump. Why on Earth would you want to equipment jump? Well some of the best hiding and sniping spots IN Halo involve using this technical technique (try saying that 5 times).

So first things first, the equipment you can jump off of are:
Radar Jammer, Flare, Deployable Cover, Power Drain, Trip Mine

It really helps if you are and Elite and Host, Now if your are in matchmaking then you aren't able to tell if you are host but you'll still be able equipment jump. But if you are in forge, look down, turn into monitor mode, then turn back into human, if you are still looking down then you are host.

All you have to do to equipment jump is look down, jump, throw the equipment, then jump again. So if you have the default setting you would quickly press A,X,A and WALAA!

The Flare and the Radar Jammer are a lot easier to jump off of if you are a human.

Jumping off of a Flare when you are an elite is next to impossible

Using a grenade jump and then a equipment jump can get you into almost any hiding spot.

Good Luck Gaming,

This is how high you can equipment jump

How to Always Win a Sword Fight

Do you find yourself always loosing sword fights? Well you are reading the right article because by the end of this article, you will win 90% of all sword battles.

First off, you need to know how good your opponents are, if they are new to Halo then most likely they are going to use the trigger (AKA lunge) to use the sword. In this case, melee them, it is faster than lunging with the sword.

So if you are in a sword battle and one person lunges and the other melees, when the two people go in for the second swing, the person that used melee is ALWAYS going to win.

If you are facing really good people that always melee then try switching to the control scheme "Bumper Jumper". This button layout makes the left bumper melee so that you can press it faster than having to move your finger to press B every single time. That millisecond might determine who lives and who dies (and even who wins the game).

Bumper jumper also helps you with swords because you can jump a lot more which will throw off the opponents. For example if you think someone is going to lunge at you, jump so their cross hair isn't on you so that they won't lunge, thus giving you the advantage.

Remember that melee has virtually no lunge (just like regular meleeing) so using it in point blank situations is best.

If you find yourself in a sword battle that keeps going on and one (your swords collide and doesn't cause you to die) then if you have sticky grenades, then stick them. If not, throw your grenade at the ground and hope that the opponent will be near it so that he/she will die.

If you are the only one in the game with a sword (e.g. team slayer) then try and find a good corner to hide so if someone comes walking around then you can just slash them. But don't make the noob mistake and sword camp without crouching. If you don't crouch one quick glance at the radar will give out position away and make you an easy target.

When you are in a FFA game (Free For All) and everyone has a sword then try standing back and using grenades, you'll be suprised with how many kills you can get with just a few grenades.

Good Luck Gaming,
Matt Carl

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How to REALLY get Recon Armor

Ahh the beloved RECON Armor, people on Halo who have it are treated like Gods, Why? Just because it is so rare to get and everyone sees it as the most amazing thing in the world. But there are many different ways into unlocking this amazing armor.

1. Work at Bungie is pretty much the sure fire way to get your Recon (and it will have a flaming head! YEHAW!)

2. You have to win a tournament in Halo and sometimes the prize is Recon Armor.

3. Entertain Bungie Employees (no not like that). You can do this by making funny videos about Halo 3 (AKA Machinimas). If your videos get popular enough and Bungie really thinks they are original and funny then they will probably give you the Holy Grail of Halo.

4. Complete all of the Vidmaster Achievements. THIS METHOD IS OFFICIAL! People from Bungie have clearly said the way that the public can recieve Recon Armor is to complete all of the Vidmaster Achievements, and really if you think about it, it totally makes sense. I mean why would they make achievements that are super hard but you don't recieve any gamerpoints? The reward IS RECON!


By downloading and reccommending a certain screenshot a certain number of times.

By dating someone that works for Bungie (This one is plausible)

By sending a message to bungie saying "CAN izA haVe rEcon PlZZZZZZZZZZZZ?"

So in the end, the only way that doesn't require doing something except for playing Halo is completeting the Vidmaster Achievements, and the only way to do that is to buy Halo: ODST which is NOT out yet, so in the end, you will have to wait for that to come out. But you can try entering a tournament, but no guarantees.

Good Luck Gaming,