Wednesday, May 20, 2009

How to Always Win a Sword Fight

Do you find yourself always loosing sword fights? Well you are reading the right article because by the end of this article, you will win 90% of all sword battles.

First off, you need to know how good your opponents are, if they are new to Halo then most likely they are going to use the trigger (AKA lunge) to use the sword. In this case, melee them, it is faster than lunging with the sword.

So if you are in a sword battle and one person lunges and the other melees, when the two people go in for the second swing, the person that used melee is ALWAYS going to win.

If you are facing really good people that always melee then try switching to the control scheme "Bumper Jumper". This button layout makes the left bumper melee so that you can press it faster than having to move your finger to press B every single time. That millisecond might determine who lives and who dies (and even who wins the game).

Bumper jumper also helps you with swords because you can jump a lot more which will throw off the opponents. For example if you think someone is going to lunge at you, jump so their cross hair isn't on you so that they won't lunge, thus giving you the advantage.

Remember that melee has virtually no lunge (just like regular meleeing) so using it in point blank situations is best.

If you find yourself in a sword battle that keeps going on and one (your swords collide and doesn't cause you to die) then if you have sticky grenades, then stick them. If not, throw your grenade at the ground and hope that the opponent will be near it so that he/she will die.

If you are the only one in the game with a sword (e.g. team slayer) then try and find a good corner to hide so if someone comes walking around then you can just slash them. But don't make the noob mistake and sword camp without crouching. If you don't crouch one quick glance at the radar will give out position away and make you an easy target.

When you are in a FFA game (Free For All) and everyone has a sword then try standing back and using grenades, you'll be suprised with how many kills you can get with just a few grenades.

Good Luck Gaming,
Matt Carl

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