Friday, May 29, 2009

Sniper Tips

Have you been dying a lot while sniping? Wanna get more no scopes? Well keep on reading my friend because these tips will drastically help your sniping skills.

When No-Scoping, try not to no-scope upward, for this is much much harder, and no-scoping down is easier.

Quick -Scoping is great, just aim at their body while not in scope, then quickly zoom in, and make any last minute adjustments and you have yourself a head shot.

DON'T BE AFRAID TO SHOOT! Hesitation will only kill you! Being nervous is the #1 reason why people die more quickly.

When the opponent jumps up in the air, aim for the spot where they're going to land. Do NOT chase their body when they're in the air with your cross hair.

NEVER stand still while sniping. Also, don't be afraid to make 2 body shots, nothing is wrong with that and it still gets you the kill.

Remember that the reload time is about 3 seconds so keep that in mind if you think you are in a tough situation and you don't know whether to reload or not.

Avoid staying scoped for large amounts of time as you can easily be sneaked up on while doing this. Get out of zoom and check your radar once in a while.

Try lowering your look sensitivity to pretty low so you can be really steady with your shots.

Lastly, remember to change sniping spots every once in a while because people will soon find out your secret location.

Good Luck Gaming,

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